keine Gliederung
// Slideshow, by neilw, 2009 // Optimized photo slideshow based on the jQuery "cycle" plug-in // // Version History: // 1.02 26-July-2010 neilw Fixed for Mindtouch 2010 // 1.0.1 11-May-2010 neilw Added option for caption on top // 1.0.0 16-Nov-2009 neilw A couple of minor bug fixes // 0.9.3 16-Nov-2009 neilw Added "controls" and "options" options // 0.9.2 13-Nov-2009 neilw Added proper support for effects. Automatically load the appropriate plug-in version // depending on the selected effect. // 0.9.1 13-Nov-2009 neilw Added "effect", "title", "link", and "caption" options // 0.9.0 13-Nov-2009 neilw First beta version installed on dev wiki. Still using "cycle lite" // // Usage: // slideshow{ path:str, width:num, height:num, interval:num, speed:num, order:str, // title:bool or string, link:bool, caption:bool, controls:bool or str } // // path Path to page containing attached slideshow images (default: page.path) // width display width, in pixels, of slideshow images (default: 320) // height display height, in pixels, of slideshow images (default: 240) // interval duration, in milliseconds, of each image (default: 3000) // speed speed of transitions, in milliseconds (default: 500) // order order of images to display; valid options are: // "name" ascending order by name (DEFAULT) // "date" or "+date" ascending order by date (oldest first) // "-date" descending order by date (newest first) // effect transition effect (default:'fade') // title display slideshow title (default:automatic) // link link each image to the original, full-sized (default:FALSE) // caption display each image's description as caption on bottom (default:FALSE). May be set to true, // false, "top", or "bottom". True is equivalent to "bottom". // controls display "prev", "pause/play", and "next" controls (default:FALSE). May be set to true, false, // "top", or "bottom" (to control placement of the controls). True is equivalent to "top". // options other options to be passed directly to the plugin var id = @id; //************** // Process args //************** var errors = []; // path var picpage = wiki.getpage($0 ?? $path ?? page.path); if (picpage is not map) { let errors ..= [ "ERROR: invalid path" ]; let picpage = page; } var this_page = ( ==; // width and height var width = $1 ?? $width; if (width is not num || width <= 0) { if (width is not nil) let errors ..= [ "width must be a positive number" ]; let width = 320; } var height = $2 ?? $height; if (height is not num || height <= 0) { if (height is not nil) let errors ..= [ "height must be a positive number" ]; let height = 240; } var aspect = width/height; // interval var interval = $3 ?? $interval; if (interval is not num || interval <= 0) { if (interval is not nil) let errors ..= [ "interval must be a positive number" ]; let interval = 3000; } // speed var speed = $4 ?? $speed; if (speed is not num || speed < 0) { if (speed is not nil) let errors ..= [ "speed must be a non-negative number" ]; let speed = 500; } // order var order = $5 ?? $order; if (order is str) let order = string.tolower(order); var allowed_orders = [ "name", "date", "+date", "-date" ]; if (order is not str || !list.contains(allowed_orders, order)) { if (order is not nil) let errors ..= [ "order must be one of "..string.serialize(allowed_orders) ]; let order = "name"; } var char1 = string.substr(order,0,1); var descending = (char1 == "-"); let order = string.substr(order, (char1 == "-" || char1 == "+") ? 1 : 0); // effect var effect = $6 ?? $effect; var allowed_effects = [ "fade" ]; if (effect is not str) { // || !list.contains(allowed_effects, effect)) { if (effect is not nil) let errors ..= [ "effect must be one of "..string.serialize(allowed_effects) ]; let effect = 'fade'; } var plugin = (effect == "fade" ? "" : "" ); // title var title = $7 ?? $title; // link var link = $8 ?? $link ?? false; // caption var caption = $9 ?? $caption; if (caption is str) let caption = string.tolower(caption); var allowed_caption = [ "top", "bottom" ]; if (caption is not bool && (caption is not str || !list.contains(allowed_caption, caption))) { if (caption is not nil) let errors ..= [ "caption must be one of true, false, "..string.join(allowed_caption,", ")]; let controls = false; } if (caption == true) let caption = "bottom"; // controls var controls = $10 ?? $controls; if (controls is str) let controls = string.tolower(controls); var allowed_controls = [ "top", "bottom" ]; if (controls is not bool && (controls is not str || !list.contains(allowed_controls, controls))) { if (controls is not nil) let errors ..= [ "controls must be one of true, false, "..string.join(allowed_controls,", ")]; let controls = false; } if (controls == true) let controls = "top"; var next_id = id .. "next"; var prev_id = id .. "prev"; var pause_id = id .. "pause"; var controls_div = <div style="width:100%; text-align:center; background-color:#dddddd;"> <a href="#" id=(prev_id) style="float:left; padding-left:10px" > "prev" </a>; <a href="#" id=(next_id) style="float:right; padding-right:10px" > "next" </a>; <a href="#" id=(pause_id)> "pause" </a>; </div>; // options var options = $11 ?? $options ?? {}; let options ..= { timeout:interval, speed:speed, fx:effect }; if (link) let options ..= { pause:1 }; if (controls) let options ..= { next:"#"..next_id, prev:"#"..prev_id }; //************************* // Prepare for the scripts //************************* // Create selector for image order in gallery at bottom of page var selector = order .. (order == "date" ? (descending ? "-desc" : "-asc") : ""); <html> //******************** // Output the scripts //******************** <head> if (this_page) <script type="text/javascript"> " // set gallery sort order to equal slideshow Deki.$(document).ready(function($) { var $select = $('#galleryOrderBy'); $select.find('option').removeAttr('selected'); $select.find('option[value=" .. selector .. "]').attr('selected','selected'); $select.change(); }); " </script>; <script type="text/javascript" src=(plugin)></script>; <script type="text/javascript"> " function setcaption_""() { $('#""caption".."').text($(this).find('div.caption').text()); } Deki.$(document).ready(function($) { var options = "..json.emit(options).."; if ("..json.emit(caption)..") options.after = setcaption_""; var $slideshow = $('#' + "..json.emit(id).."); $slideshow.cycle(options); var $pause = $('#' + "..json.emit(pause_id).."); if ($pause.length) $ { $slideshow.cycle($pause.text()); $pause.text($pause.text() == 'pause' ? 'resume' : 'pause'); return(false); }); }); " </script>; </head>; //********************** // Output the slideshow //********************** <body> if (#errors) <div style="color:red"> <span style="font-weight:bold"> "Slideshow errors:" </span>; <ul> foreach (var e in errors) <li> e </li>; </ul>; </div>; // Output the images <div style=("width:" .. width .. "px;")> if ((!this_page && title is nil) || title) <div style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold"> title is str ? title : picpage.title </div>; if (controls == "top") controls_div; if (caption == "top") <div id=(id.."caption") style="text-align:center"> " " </div>; <div id=(id) style=("width:"..width.."px; height:"..height.."px;")> // generate the list of images var pics = ?? { }),"$.imageHeight is num"); let pics = [ { picture:p,, date:date.format(,"s") } foreach var p in pics ]; let pics = list.collect(list.sort(pics,order,descending),"picture"); // Spit them out! foreach (var p in pics) { var h = p.imageheight; var w = p.imagewidth; var a = w / h; var img; if (a >= aspect) { var new_h = h * width / w; var m = (height - new_h) / 2; let img = <img style=("margin-top:"..m.."px; margin-bottom:"..m.."px;") src=(p.uri & {size:"webview"}) width=(width) />; } else { var new_w = w * height / h; var m = (width - new_w) / 2; let img = <img style=("margin-left:"..m.."px; margin-right:"..m.."px;") src=(p.uri & {size:"webview"}) height=(height) />; } var caption = <div class="caption" style="display:none"> p.description </div>; link ? <a href=(string.substr(p.uri,#site.uri-1)) target="_blank" style="display:none;"> img; caption; </a> : <div style="display:none;"> img; caption; </div>; } </div>; if (caption == "bottom") <div id=(id.."caption") style="text-align:center"> " " </div>; if (controls == "bottom") controls_div; </div>; </body> </html>